Paris, May 22-23, 2024
In the garden at the Semeuse this week, one man brought along a canary in a little cage, which sang loudly all afternoon as torrential rain alternated with bright sun. People planted tomatoes and courgettes and two men who had come with us for the first time decided to clear the pathways with a small scythe to make a huge pile of sweet smelling grass. They were very happy with their unexpected gardening afternoon, and we joked that it was unfortunate there were no cows to eat the grass up. Afterwards the man and his canary gave an impromptu performance which had us spellbound, like a little miracle.
At the CEDRE, which was crammed to capacity, The Community Table was very busy with people experimenting, building houses, drawing and exchanging, and a general sensation of cheerful and concentrated activity. Our trainees had bought in some new materials : brightly coloured sand and marbling ink. The ink in the water was mesmerising, allowing for long moments of meditation.
At the end of the session one man launched into a long story telling session, and people half-listened as they modelled plasticine, the feeling was rather like being round a kitchen table. The story finished on a cliffhanger, leaving us wondering what would happen to the hero, Adama, a poor young man banished by the king of his country...
Words by Naomi Press, Kate France, Pauline Gaubert & Mara Gonzalez Telmo.