Publications & articles.
Bobby Lloyd & Miriam Usiskin: 'The Community Table: developing art and therapy studios on, in-between and across borders.'
Christopher Brown & Helen Omand (2022) Contemporary Practice in Studio Art Therapy
Bobby Lloyd & Debra Kalmanowitz (2021) Portable Studio (short-film)
This short film presents some of the core ideas within Portable Studio, an art therapy concept developed by Debra Kalmanowitz and Bobby Lloyd which emerged out of their work together during the war in the former Yugoslavia in the mid 1990s. It has been adapted for contexts of conflict, disaster and crisis and by art therapists in diverse settings worldwide.
Miriam Usiskin & Bobby Lloyd (2021) Lifeline, frontline, online: adapting art therapy for social engagement across borders, International Journal of Art Therapy, 25:4, 183-191, DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2020.1845219
Bobby Lloyd & Miriam Usiskin (2020) Reimagining an emergency
space: practice innovation within a frontline art therapy project on the France-UK border at Calais, International Journal of Art Therapy,25:3, 132-142, DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2020.1786417
Miriam Usiskin, Bobby Lloyd,Naomi Press (2020) Portable, Temporary, Virtual - the role of Gallery in an Art Therapist-led Project on the France-UK border at Calais for Art Therapy in Museums and Galleries, publisher Jessica Kingsley.
Bobby Lloyd, Miriam Usiskin, Naomi Press (2019) 'The Calais winds took our plans away: Art therapy as shelter', International Journal of Applied Arts and Health, Arts therapies and Crisis Intervention – Special Issue.
Emily Hollingsbee (2019) ‘Tomorrow we make it better’: an art therapist’s reflection on a community mural in a refugee camp in Greece, International Journal of Art Therapy, 24:4, 158-168, DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2019.1666155
Bobby Lloyd, Miriam Usiskin, Naomi Press, Marta Welander (2018) Mental Health in Displacement – A Widespread Yet Largely Overlooked Crisis.
Catherine Miller and Chris Brown: In the Margins: Art Therapy with a Homeless Man under the Influence of Alcohol’, Art Therapy Online (ATOL) 9 (1)
Aida Silvestri: Ten portraits, telling the journeys of Eritrean refugees to find stability and hope in Britain.
Jessica Linton (2017) 'A Natural Response to a Natural Disaster: The Art of Crisis in Nepal, Canadian', Art Therapy Association Journal, Autumn 2017
Bobby Lloyd & Debra Kalmanowitz (2016) Art therapy at the border: Holding the line of the kite, Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 7:2, pp. 143–58.
Chris Wood: ‘Private and public spaces of hope in architecture and therapy’,ATOL Art Therapy Online.
Bobby Lloyd & Debra Kalmanowitz (2011) Inside-out Outside-in: Found Objects and Portable Studio, in Art in Action: Expressive Arts Therapy and Social Change, edited by Ellen G. Levine and Stephen K. Levine, London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Chris Wood: (2011) Navigating Art Therapy: A Therapist's Companion. London: Routledge.
Bobby Lloyd & Debra Kalmanowitz (eds.) (2005) Art Therapy and Political Violence: With art, without illusion’, London, New York, Routledge.
Bobby Lloyd & Debra Kalmanowitz (2000) Art therapy in a central London refugee family centre’ in ‘Exile: Refugees and the Arts Therapies’, ed. Ditty Dokter, University of Hertfordshire, Faculty of Art and Design Press.
Bobby Lloyd & Debra Kalmanowitz (1999) Fragments of Art at Work: Art Therapy in the former Yugoslavia, in The Arts in Psychotherapy Special Issue: 'Healing Troubled Communities through the Arts', USA: Elsevier Science, Vol. 26, No. 1.
Chris Wood. (2000) ‘The Significance of Studios’. Inscape: The Journal of the British Association of Art Therapists, Vol. 5(2), 41-53.
DOI: 10.1080/17454830008413089
Bobby Lloyd & Debra Kalmanowitz (1997) The Portable Studio: art therapy and political conflict: initiatives in the former Yugoslavia and KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. London: Health Education Authority.
Art Refuge collaborates with Young Roots and their youth service on making a series of stop-frame animations.
Led by Tony Gammidge and Majid Adin, 2022.
Art Refuge collaborates with Young Roots and their youth service on making a series of stop-frame animations.
Led by Tony Gammidge and Majid Adin, 2022.
This short film presents some of the core ideas within Portable Studio, an art therapy concept developed by Debra Kalmanowitz and Bobby Lloyd which emerged out of their work together during the war in the former Yugoslavia in the mid 1990s. It has been adapted for contexts of conflict, disaster and crisis and by art therapists in diverse settings worldwide. 2021.
A film by Charlotte Burck. August 2018.
Filmed with Art Refuge at the Secours Catholique Day Centre and on the beach in Calais in temperatures of 26º - 33º.
A Dartmouth Films production for Tariq Ali's The World Today, about life in the makeshift Calais refugee camp, February 2016.
2017: Majid Adin.
Animation for Elton John - Rocket Man (Official Music Video)
In his own interpretation of Elton John’s iconic hit, Iranian filmmaker and refugee Majid Adin reimagines “Rocket Man” to tell a new story of adventure, loneliness and hope.
From Kate France, a film from Calais
2014 16mm, colour, silent, 2.5 mins
Short films & events from Katie Miller, using analogue processes
2021: Feature in The Guardians' Observer. Wish You Were Here Exhibition #1 Design News, November
2021: Aida Silvestri: Care I Contagion I Community – Self & Other, Autumn 2021 - Spring 2022, London: Autograph
2020: The Ship of Tolerance and Frieze Art Fair
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2019-20: Calais: Witnessing the Jungle, The Pompidou
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2020: Sink Without a Trace: ‘Balancing politics and aesthetics’
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UK exhibit displays refugee artists' dangerous journey to Europe
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Illustrated article on the mental health of the refugees in northern France
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Art programmes in Calais bring humanity back to refugees
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Skills sharing for professionals, post-earthquake Kathmandu
Kathmandu Post: Support and Skills Sharing for Professionals, Post-Earthquake in Kathmandu
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Artists and art therapists, post-earthquake Kathmandu
Huffington Post: Artists and therapists collective movement, Emergency Phase, Post Earthquake in Kathmandu
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Art making as a therapeutic tool for processing the earthquake, Kathmandu, Kathmandu Post
Taking safe art making to the earthquake epicentre
Himal Magazine: Taking safe art making to the earthquake epicentre