For Refugee Week in Paris, Art Refuge teamed up with photographer Sandrine Lissac and her Afghan box camera for a special session at the garden La Semeuse.
A mixed group of refugees and local residents were able to experiment in their image making using the fascinating Afghan Box, and also with slides, collage and cyanotypes.
Around The Community Table another local embroidery group Auberfabrik stitched their collective work based on medieval plants, while others planted cabbages or repaired fences.
We were delighted to witness the fluidity as people moved between the different activities and conversations popped up about growing a plum tree from a stone, the rules of sudoko, embroidery skills, Tunisian landscapes, or negatives and positives in photography...
Kate France, Naomi Press, Muriel Bûcher, Lou Froehlicher, Sandrine Lissac.