“we cover our faces”
‘he covers his face with a cloud of berbere she covers her face with a pile of dried roses he covers his face with a mist of ginger she covers her face with a multitude of mustard seeds he covers his face with a trail of salt she covers her face with a sprig of rosemary she covers her face with a cascade of jasmine and saffron he covers his face with a sprinkle of mace she covers her face with a mask of green cardamom pods he covers his face with a constellation of star anise she covers her face with wisps of curry leaves he adorns his hair with five pods of black cardamom but he leaves his face uncovered’
Spices, photography and poetry - a further iteration of our Smell as Home project in the drop-in space with men housed at Napier Barracks; developing new ideas...
Poem by Josie Carter, photos by Aida Silvestri, with Miriam Usiskin and Bobby Lloyd